Starting Issue with Blaster

Went to start blaster and got no response. I decided to replace starter and relay since they were pretty much shot, but still get nothing when I try to start from the start button. I tried disconnecting the kill and no response, but then noticed some corrosion and saw no connection in the brown line leading to the start button at multiple points. The ski does turn over when I connect the two points on the relay. Is it an issue with the start button? Should I bother fixing the one line, or replace whole mechanism?
If there is no connection to the start button then that would be my first place to start. I would personally just fix the breaks in the line and verify that it works after that before I consider spending the money on a new start stop switch
If there is no connection to the start button then that would be my first place to start. I would personally just fix the breaks in the line and verify that it works after that before I consider spending the money on a new start stop switch

Any idea on what else it may be? I`m thinking of just running a new line as this line looks pretty bad.
My ski has a bad ground, and likes to have a separate ground wire. I ran it from the Negative on the battery to the bolt holding the Box on the firewall. But if you jumped the relay and it worked, I wouldn't expect that as an issue. I think your wire will be the problem.
My ski has a bad ground, and likes to have a separate ground wire. I ran it from the Negative on the battery to the bolt holding the Box on the firewall. But if you jumped the relay and it worked, I wouldn't expect that as an issue. I think your wire will be the problem.

Thanks, I am going to check over the wire again and probably run a new one
Am I missing something here on the ground wire from the battery to the bolt holding E-box to firewall? How can a bolt molded into fiberglass provide a ground?
The E-box is a metal case and is where the grounds inside actually bolts to as a common ground. Just the cover is plastic.

Not really a good permanent fix, but works for now until I go through all of the electrical on my ski. An extra ground can't hurt anything either as well, so I just keep it for now.

Just tried fixing all the breaks in the brown lead to the start button, and still didn`t get it to crank. Then replaced the line, and couldn`t get any response. Tested the terminals on the relay that go to the battery and starter, and have electric current running, but I tested the smaller terminals that go to the black ground and the brown main to the on button and it had no electric current. Any ideas?
Where the red and brown go into the ebox touch them together. If it cranks then you relay is good. If not then jump across the relay if it cranks then you know the relay is the problem.

Make sure you are using the red and brown from the start stop. It's pretty simple to diagnose. If the relay is good then it is either the ss or wiring.
Where the red and brown go into the ebox touch them together. If it cranks then you relay is good. If not then jump across the relay if it cranks then you know the relay is the problem.

Make sure you are using the red and brown from the start stop. It's pretty simple to diagnose. If the relay is good then it is either the ss or wiring.

Ok, I just touched the red and brown and got nothing, but it cranks from the relay. I just put a new relay in could I have done something to burn it out already. I noticed some slight corrosion in a couple of the contacts in the wiring. I`m going to try and clean them up, but you think its a bad relay?
Yeah I'm pretty positive that's a bad relay. There's no guarantee with used, or even new. I just went through this with my sj this spring
I guess I technically should have said where the red and brown connect to the wires coming into the ebox.

The ones coming in from the outside will be dead when disconnected. The ones on the inside of the ebox where the ones from the ss connect is where you want to touch together.
I guess I technically should have said where the red and brown connect to the wires coming into the ebox.

The ones coming in from the outside will be dead when disconnected. The ones on the inside of the ebox where the ones from the ss connect is where you want to touch together.

Yea I tested where it should have been live coming out of the ebox, and got nothing. I am going to order another relay and see if that does the trick. Thank You
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