stock exhaust location


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I need some input/ advice

I am working on a round nose superjet , it is defoamed , and the exhaust tube is out . I am thinking of running the exhaust out the side towards the rear. but some old wise man keeps telling me that , if I try to fill that stock location with epoxy/glass , that it will never stick.

anyone have any input to this?


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at peace
Why would it not stick? :dunno:

It's no different than glassing anything else on that hull. Sand, clean, epoxy and glass - it will stick.


I pretty much love beer
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I think so too , but we do alot of jumping and landing on the tail of the ski , I am experiened in fiberglass, so I am not worried about my ability.

just curious if someone has had success or failure in this situation


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Central Illinois
I did that same mod to my ski(rear side exhaust) and it works fine. I saved some smc from cutting my footholds out and riveted in a larger square from the inside and sealed it with 5200. Then I cut a piece out that fit the hole diameter nearly perfect and used resin to hold that in. Sand and paint. I repeated this process when I lowered the front of the exhaust tube down a few inches to get better access to the carbs and allow me to put a front pair of footholds in. Good luck...
I've done that mod. It works fine. I've had no issues. The hardest part is finding an elbow. I ended up buying a goofy looking radiator hose from advance auto and i cut the 90's out of it.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I've done that mod. It works fine. I've had no issues. The hardest part is finding an elbow. I ended up buying a goofy looking radiator hose from advance auto and i cut the 90's out of it.

Why could you not use pvc and smooth finish (epoxy) it in the new hole and reinforce epoxy from inside when doing foot holds?It seems like it would be a nice smooth finish and exhaust shouldnt be too hot for pvc way back there should it? I was thinking of doing this mod when I refoam. Does anyone see an issue w/ pvc 90 degree for exhaust outlet?


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Your wise old man is a bit too conservative. Just lay two layers of glass inside the ski, and one on the outside (thinner one) it should be fine. Or put in a scupper or one way
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