Strange jetting.....


Pulled the carbs of a 97 SJ last night, thing is in poor shape and has ended up on my workbench for a rebuild (in bits thanks to owners mate's mate) has a Riva red pipe & milled head but other than that stock.

Carbs have 100 low 100 high & 2.5 needle....on 38's....I have pulled dozens of superjet motors to bits over the years & never seen that before.

Springs are toast so don't know what they were..

Owner bought it that way, said it never ran that well but its pistons were so bad it was never going to, jetted right or not.

Anyone seen jetting like that? or tried such big lows in 38's?
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at peace
I've seen Randy at Watcon do something very similar to a set of stock 38's. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it ran well.
its suppose to give more fuel and snap off the bottom,close to the reverse jetting philosophy. Look at it more as a total jetting #,most run a total jetting of around 200 to 210 in dual 38s,so its in the range,just have to tune it right with the screws and popoff
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