Octane Stupid problem, but i still need help.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
Well i sold the umi pole off my octane. So i'm going to remove it, i take off all the bolts underneath, and the bracket wont come off. I look, and the damn inside hull plate for the pole bracket is glued on with the same glue they used to bond the ski together. I can deal with not getting the bottom plate off, but i cant get the top bracket off. I've put a block of wood on the studs and tried beating it lose, still nothing.

Anyone got any ideas on what will destroy that bond? I need to get it off tonight so i can get it to my guy.

I'm scared to use any heat because of the presence of gas/oil inside the hull (maybe im just being a :):):):):), idk). I left my hood off so the rain would fill it up today and maybe it will be alright by the time i get home tonight.



Sionis Industries
I could NOT get mine off either, I boogered up a thread on the studs trying, pulled the studs and tried a dremel and putty knife, no dice. My advice is to leave it be and don't tear it up. The hood hook catches pretty much suck anyway, there's a few used bracket bases floating around for sale, good luck


Sionis Industries
Oops I did not see it was part of a sale, I don't know man... I had to mask mine off and paint around it, credit him a few bones back?

The hull will not ignite if the hood is off and no gas tank in it, I've let car fuel tanks sweat for days inside a closed garage , and used torches to cut exhaust and frames, I wouldn't worry about that, hate to see you destroy a hull unintentionally for the bracket
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