Up for sale are some parts off my superjet. Most things on this sheet are for sale. Message me for pricing.
- factory pipe type 4 dry pipe-650
- msd water injection- sold
- novi 44 carbs - sold
Rebuilt with 1 tank through them
- RD custom bored intake - sold
- Carbon reeds and cages - sold
Intake spacer plate - sold
UMI 4 degree bars - 40
UMI steering - 95
- ac aluminum pole with ap designs pad - 450
- billet pole bracket - 150
- factory pipe type 4 dry pipe-650
- msd water injection- sold
- novi 44 carbs - sold
Rebuilt with 1 tank through them
- RD custom bored intake - sold
- Carbon reeds and cages - sold
Intake spacer plate - sold
UMI 4 degree bars - 40
UMI steering - 95
- ac aluminum pole with ap designs pad - 450
- billet pole bracket - 150
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