Super Jet Superjet Tuining starting point ,Yes I know there are 800 threads already, plz hear me out.

I tried digging through that giant master tuning thread. Google search, and search here. Couldn't find what I was looking for.

I put a Wetjet Kraze 61x in my SN and am rebuilding the carb. And I think the jets are gonna be way off.
Its got the 46mm SBN. And it had the wetjet westcoast exhaust. But I couldn't make that work, so now it has a stock 650 exhaust system.

It has a 155 main
and 135? pilot jet.
I think a 1.5 seat. Its pretty corroded so Its getting replaced.
Springs is dealers choice, I have a bunch of options.

Where do you think I should start. My research tells me the wetjet pipe is similar to the b-pipe in power and tuning. I know you need to change the jets when you get a b-pipe. So I assume the same is true if using the wetjet pipe. Since I'm not, and am using not just a restrictive stock exhaust. But a uber restrictive 650 exhaust. I wasn't sure how much smaller to go. I am thinking I would just go to stock jetting from a stock 61x. But then I figured the 46mm vs 44mm might have an effect.

I'm pretty sure I'm over thinking this, but it only takes a min to type this out, so cant hurt to ask.



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Long Island
When I went from 44 to the wetjet 46 setup I had to bump up the jets in size on both pilot and main.

Always use a 2.0 needle and seat with a single carb. It makes it a lot more forgiving than using a 1.5 which you need to be way more exact with.
Use the Black spring(20 psi pop off) and use a pop off tester to make it exact. If you don't have one, buy one.

I had a ported 61x cyl with ported cases and a b pipe.

I have no idea why you would make such a Frankenstein using stock exhaust etc but I'd leave the 135 low and 155 main to start. Worse that happens is it's rich and you can slowly go down from there. I was using 135low 160ish main with my setup. I dont remember exactly I'd have to open it up to verify. Larger carb opening = slower airspeed to suck fuel out of the jets is why you need bigger jets than with a 44mm carb

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Buy a Superjet
You are going to be rich. Start with the 125L 150H. My single 46mm carb bpipe ported high comp etc etc is using a 130P 155M with 24psi pop off.
Frankenski because its better to ride a under powered under-performing ski then not to ride at all.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I don't know if I have a 2.0 seat. i just looked my options are.
1.5 seat
Main 120,130,150, 155
pilot 110,120,135

I'm going to school full time and working very little. So buying a proper exhaust is completely un-doable unless someone feels like being charitable.

I can afford new jets, but I planned on riding Sunday.


Urban redneck
Where do you think I should start. My research tells me the wetjet pipe is similar to the b-pipe in power and tuning.

More like its close in power and tuning to a pro-tec pipe which closely resembles it compared to a B pipe.
I'd drop both jets down one step from oem wetjet and start from there myself.
I left in the pilot. I miss identified it or never looked in the first place. It's a 117.5 I believe

Since the next and only other size I have puts a 110

And dropped the main to a 150.
Did a rebuild changed everything except those like check valves. Messing with those scares me. They are too hard to mess with. Speaking of hard, identifying those springs is an exercise in futility. Telling the shiny silver from dull? They are all equally shiny/dull.
A 1.5 seat with the lowest spring is 32 psi. I'm using a stock air box. Which means normally higher popoff needs right?

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Was able to take it out today. With the 150 main, and 117.5 pilot it ran very well. I was quite pleased. Maybe need to go to a 145 and 115 and it should be all set.
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