SX/SXi/SXi Pro SXI Starting issues... Any good used parts websites?

Hey Guys,

I took my ski out to the lake this weekend and it would not run right at all. Which lead to alot of jetting and thus alot of stopping and starting. The starter would slip every 2-3 starts but slowly got worse as the day went on until finally it would freespin every time. I never did get it running right, but I believe its sucking air somewhere in one of the fuel lines. It will idle and run low speed just fine, but as soon as you get over 1/4 throttle it will fall on its face and bog, but If I hit the primer when trying to rev it up it would come to life and rev right out. So that tells me its just not getting the fuel. It did run good last weekend with the current jetting so I cant see that being the issue.

Anyways onto the starting issue. I pulled the engine to take the cover off the stator and this is what I found.



It looks like water got in there and rusted everything out so that the bendix gear would not engage properly, everything was rusted and the teeth on the starter ring gear were toast.

Anyways I am hoping to get out in the water next weekend, which means tracking down both the bendix and flywheel and getting it shipped early this week. Anyone have a go to parts store or anything like that? I looked online and the mageto/flywheel part goes for $500, kinda steep.

Thanks for your time,



freeride junkie
north palm beach
hey mitch, sorry to hear about the issues your having.
if it was running right the previous weekend then not this weekend, maybe you picked up a bad batch of fuel. the jetting should have nothing to do with it if it ran right before.
the only other thing i would think is that the flywheels teeth had sheared off in some spots, causing the broken pieces to get caught up on the magnets for the pickups and making it run crazy.
but you said it cleared up when you hit the primer while riding, so its a probably a fuel issue.

you should be able to find the parts used for sure. i have some good used starter bendix, and possibly a good used stock flywheel. i also have carb kits as well.
hit me up on my email if your interested.
thanks dave
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Hey extreemthrottle,

I just sent you an email. Also as far as the running and bogging what I think happened (and unfortunately didn't get it started after this popped into my head) was that it was sucking air around the primer hose, It didn't have any clamps on it as I remove them to take out the battery quite a bit (the charging system on this ski was removed for what I would assume to be weight, which I may add back in the future once I find out how long the battery will last without it when not starting it every minute). Anyways when I first got the ski the fuel lines were cold and fairly stiff, but as it warmed up as I ripped around the lake they got soft and the fuel system would suck air. I noticed that when trying to crank the ski bubbles would develop in the fuel lines, but I never did get it started because once the bendix hit the flat spot on the flywheel that was it.

Thanks Dave,

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