SXIPRO to SXR conversion


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Cleveland Ohio
Anyone ever take the guts of an SXIPRO and dump them into an SXR? I am thinking of just keeping my hull and building a ski for my wife using all the parts from an old used SX or SXIPRO... She just needs a cruiser ski.

I know it can be done, just wondering what parts won't convert over. I know it will need...

Gastank (unless an SXI tank will fit in there)
Stock SXR exhaust including waterbox and hoses
Intake Grate

Everything else should be able to move right over, right?


thanks darin...noswad!
Anyone ever take the guts of an SXIPRO and dump them into an SXR? I am thinking of just keeping my hull and building a ski for my wife using all the parts from an old used SX or SXIPRO... She just needs a cruiser ski.

I know it can be done, just wondering what parts won't convert over. I know it will need...

Gastank (unless an SXI tank will fit in there)
Stock SXR exhaust including waterbox and hoses
Intake Grate

Everything else should be able to move right over, right?
I have a stock sxr intake if you need one.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you should be good. You also may want to try and find an Westcoast exhaust for a song, that would be a good addition to it sense the Waterbox is up front!!!!!!!


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The pro rideplate will fit. You might get away with using the driveshaft. A 550 coupler will make it longer if needed. The e-box may not bolt right in, but that's easy to fix.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I believe the 750 SX and 750 SXi had different ride plates. A friend borrowed one from a guy who had an SXi Pro and it wouldn't fit his 750 SX.

I am not sure about intake grates. Of course pumps are the same.
yeah i was wondering the same just reversed i want to take a 750 sxi hull and put aftermarket sxr 800 motor in it with the sxrs pump then do a bondline free nose and rocker the back the put my rrp pole on it.....any one ever hear if something like that would work?
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