SXR Problem with air supply

I have dry pipe and other stuff in my ski.
Does everybody have problem with air suppy?
When I do submarine then my ski Is boggin for about 2-3min. My ski Is running very rich, pretty on limit. Is maybe there a problem?
How do you guys have routed air tunnels? In frond there is a blend, but there in the rear is way to small hole for air inlet. Must I drill a hole some where?
Please add some pics how do did you solve your problems.
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I've had the same problem with mine (rich bogging when the ski gets underwater). I didn't have the problem when it was stock.

Everytime I get enough air to sink the ski it bogs bad. After this problem occurred, I got a blockoff plate for the front hood vent, and dremeled a new hood vent in the back of the hood.. still bogs bad when landing gets the ski underwater.

If anyone has any ideas on fixing the 'temporarily submerged bog that lasts 10 seconds' I'm all ears!!

I can do pics of the hood cut for extra ventilation... basically try and mirror the cutout on the hood close to the tray... Kawi did it on one side but not the other.
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Yes I did the same, add block plate in front, and cut the hood in the back of the hood on other side like is original.
How is done that?
I saw someone had hand hold holes cuted in top of the hood for air inlet. Is this smart idea or this will just let more water in engine room?
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