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I PLAN on having a really good time with all of you! There are many I haven't seen in several years, so I'm really looking forward to this....Stricky, Andre, et al, plus the usual suspects....


Miami Fl
LisaLisa you beat to post a thread link this IO was thinking about it last night.

I PLAN on having a really good time with all of you!

???????? All at once or one at a time ? hehehe

:Banane01: :sneaky: :Banane01: :sneaky: :Banane01: :sneaky: :Banane01: :sneaky:
According to Stricky, he and Andre are having thier Manginah's dry cleaned as we speak, and Kev's bride is packing them plenty of Manpons for the road trip, so they should be good to go ;)

And no Kid.......not that kind of fun. You pervert! LOL!


I have not spoke to Andre' in a while...
Stircky either..
Okay - looks like I'll have to call and rattle their cages again then.

Think a Double Dog Dare will work with these two? Or shall I just tell them the grand prize is new skirting for their double-wide?


i partied with that fool on saturday..

his boat is at the paint shop as we speak.. and his wife is coming with him..

and half of you won't recognize him. he's dropped about 40lbs.

he's gonna bring the wife???

OMG, I am honored.... she has never come to an event (I don't think)...

Yeah - we used to put her to work when we were all a bunch of SDDN losers...she flips a mean burger - and is super cool.

Stircky's probably lost 40 l-b's in bone mass alone - from all his crashes. Will be good to see him.

Nope - I was speaking of Stricky's wife...the really pretty, petite blonde. She's hilarious....

I knew about the aftermarket replacement of Boozeanne 1.0 with the Lee 3.0 - met Lee in Nashville a few years back (she's a hoot too!) In fact, that was the last time I saw Andre, but we talk on the phone from time to time.


what!? lol.. i didnt know she used to flip burgers or even ATTENDED the old SDN parties ive heard them talk about.

of course, i would never have been at one of those events. EVER. :biggrin:


:biggrin: ..but i heard they were really nice parties.

I am gonna kick you square in the nuts next time I see you

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