Other Tattoos of jetski


River Rat
I have a cool one planned, it's just a matter of funds for the ski or funds for a tat?
My wife is thinking of getting a RRP pole tatooed on her back, she says it would bring us closer...I just can't decide on quick steer plate or racing plate, lol.
My wife is thinking of getting a RRP pole tatooed on her back, she says it would bring us closer...I just can't decide on quick steer plate or racing plate, lol.

now thats funny... (quick steer) if you like freestyle.... (racing plate) if you like going round and round for a long time... both would be fine... hang on and ride it

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Every couple years I get the urge to get a tattoo but I have never ever pulled the trigger on one. Now, looking back at some of the ideas I came up with and there is not one that I would be happy with today.
I have been tempted to just get "Yamaha"...I may not be in to Yamaha 30 years from now but I have been in to them for the past 30 years in one way or another!

Nothing else other than chicks have stood that long!
pics of some of these wouldnt be a bad idea. and i think it is to each there own. Ive been contemplating getting a ski tatted on me just for the reason ive been riding for 6 years and have yet to hate anyday i go out. Its my second home i have to say.
All I can say is ..... Wow..... You guys have it bad !

I have thought about getting Arts face tattooed over my face ..... Then changed my mind and decided on Berky .

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Lol, balls for sure. I had a similar sized mural idea in my head once of Poseidon surging out the water and a ski surfing the waves some where below him. I wanted the tips of his trident to be visible above my shirt collar just enough so you knew I had massive ink.

Turns out I'm just some pasty skinned Canuck and that would have been the tackiest Tat ever!!! On me anyways





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Ouch. Hopefully that is fake, unless they allow four year olds to become tattoo artists.

I was being nice......... I would almost be willing to start a collection for the removal that is sure to come.
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