thanks go out ot the following...

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The Penguin

triple secret probation
  • Moondance - for flying in and letting me work you to death for most of the weekend...also for making sure I got to bed Sat night. I think the crawdad on my pillow on sunday morning takes away a bit though :biggrin:
  • Sharon - the fruit compote was a big hit with the pancakes and thanks for making the brownies!
  • Mick, Pauline, Brian, Geneva (and your daughter) - thanks for helping set up for dinner & prep some of the food
  • Tursiops93 & AllStock - thanks for helping with the cooking
  • Skinnyman - thanks for bringing avocados, without them, there would have been no guacamole.
  • Michael950 - for getting the shirts coordinated
  • RonnyMac - for designing the logo
  • concussiondustin - the stickers were a big hit! any chance of getting a few more, even if we have to pay for them?
  • Timbo - for filling in the hole that JonnyB made
and special thanks to:
  • Mom - for letting us use the house, for not griping even though we kept waking her up, and for helping out with the cooking
  • JonnyB - for helping to dig up the ********ter, and for being a wizard in the kitchen! Mom kept going on and on about what a big help you were.
and for all the rest of you - thanks for coming! Now - go buy the rest of the t-shirts. There's only a few left and every dime from the sale of those shirts goes to help out Joe!

I'm sure I left someone out - I tried to think of everyone that needed to be thanked for something. (happy now, Peter?)
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Houston, TX
What about me? I didn't urinate on you when you were horizontal on the beach. Isn't that worth a thank you?

Much better, thank you.
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Just plain me....
Actually the props go out to Penguin & his mom. I meant to say something earlier & now I feel like a shmuck because he beat me to it. Without their graciousness, this weekend would not have been half the fun. So to my adopted Texas family, including Zepplin - :woot:


Your Momma's Lover
JonnyB dug up the sh***er but who filled it back in so no one fell in!!!!!

Thanks to Bill for the boil. Crawfish are not the devils work.. only gummy worms.
Special thanks to Shawn for all the planning and work you did (never even hit the water) and also being the friend that you have been since 1989.


It was great seeing your mom again as well!!!

Boy did the water balloons take me back!

madduc X-2

Are we there yet?
Blueridge TEXAS
This was my first free ride and starting my second season on a ski. the hospitality was so incredible that i might sell my dirt bike and ride ski's full time. Thank you for the food the fun and the soso surf. and especially to Mark and Sharon with out them this would not have happened for me.
What a great weekend. Next time I'll bring the pit bike. I can make make stickers in any size or quanity, I just ran out of white. As far as payment, I just want to round up donations for JK. My paypal don't work, so this was great opportunity for me. Feel free to mail me


running on empty
If this is the thanks thread, I want to chim in. (Only thing is I KNOW I will end up missing someone and feeling like poop for it.)

Shawn ( and mom penguin) for all the hard work, great hospitality and home cooking! ( and for that visual on Sat. night. roflmao)
Moon for helping us get a ride to dinner, and for always being SO much fun.
Skinnyman, who answers all my stupid questions and is always willing to help. It was a honor to break down at the same service station as you. ( well maybe I won't go that far.)
Bill for the kick butt crawfish. YUM.

Sharon for all the snacks...for being so cool, and for actually talking " bird" with me. I was on cloud nine.

To everyone who cooked and brought food.

63chevyll for bringing the cart.... I loooooovvvveeed the cart. :biggthumpup:
Glory for cheering me up that weekend, even if he was trying to kill me in the cart.

Neil for letting my husband take an ax to the ski. That is his idea of fun.

Prem and Parr for the Ice run.

Kevin for the bonfire laughs, pain relief and self defense tips.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
wow, bummed we missed texas this year...sounds like you guys had a blast...but ill see everyone at alatoona right? right? (please, please, please...):biggrin:
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