Other Thanks Tona' crew!!!

Man I needed that...I haven't laughed or partied that hard in a LONG time! Great times!!!

Missed some pepes that SHOULD HAVE COME!!

And forgot some names which I hate doing (sorry Pat ((lol)) Parr ...its been a while!!).....

It was so cool to see some things up close!....the .de hull......the Rhaas products (new lord mounts are SICK and a no brainer!!!).....the most bad ass skis on the planet........TC's insane smoothness.....

Partied HARD with tons of great pepes!

Thanks to Suzie Q for hanging out with me while I was waiting for someone to come unlock my Jeep (a.k.a House)! That would have been the only boring hour and a half of the trip if Suzie wouldn't have hung back and partied with me.

It was so fun just drifting around partying without a care in the world. Kickin in doors Kramer style and partying everywhere!

Great seeing everyone man! What a blast!

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
haha... Matt, I cant tell you how many people came up to me and said " Hey Scott " and i have no idea who in the hell they are. I'm positive the reverse is also true. ;-)


Glad I could help Matt.

That locksmith did take a ridiculous amount of time wandering out to the beach, being that I was starving, but it would have been rather rude indeed leaving you stranded to catch up with the rest of the crew for dinner.

Thanks for looking over my jeep while waiting and giving pointers on future maintenance (still need the details in writing), much appreciated in return.

Thankful you guys made it home safely, was really nice to see all again. Still finding this pic entertaining, as well as many others…


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Here's another relative to "drifting around" aimlessly (because you did not know where you were going) I think you made more u-turns on the way to the restaurant the second night than I did the first night, but it was a fun little stop.


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LOL at those pics! And that Ocean Deck dang bar is hard to find!:Banane09: At least someone touched my ski....lol...

Your Jeep need and deserves the following:

Oil pressure sending unit and oil pump immediately!

New valve cover and new valve cover gasket.

A water pump (if you have not done one yet) and a new radiator/hoses (if budget allows and you have not done it yet)

Everything else can wait until it starts clunking or it breaks!

You have a lot of miles but those motors will go 300k if you keep them nice! And that Jeep is solid!


LOL at those pics! And that Ocean Deck dang bar is hard to find!:Banane09: At least someone touched my ski....lol...

Your Jeep need and deserves the following:

Oil pressure sending unit and oil pump immediately!

New valve cover and new valve cover gasket.

A water pump (if you have not done one yet) and a new radiator/hoses (if budget allows and you have not done it yet)

Everything else can wait until it starts clunking or it breaks!

You have a lot of miles but those motors will go 300k if you keep them nice! And that Jeep is solid!

Yes, but their clam chowder and crab cakes were worth it, and the coffee woke me up enough for the drive home. Nice of the rest of the crew to hang out and wait on us, and I hope you guys had fun later at the official place.

Thanks for the list. The pressure hits about 38-40 when not idle. When following you in the various u-turns, I decided my jeep turns better than your jeep, but there is still something wrong there, as well as the after market exhaust.

They look like they were trying to molest your ski.
it was great hanging out with you Matt. I had a great time meeting all the faces to go along with the names that i already know. props to nick for going through the trouble of putting this event on.
They look like they were trying to molest your ski.


Oh yea and you may need wheel joints (the u-joints at your front wheels)...if you get them use only Spicer heavy duty so you don't have to do it again for a long time!


My bad for missin the parties on Saturday dude....the entire body had rigamortis from the amount of riding :)

Still owe you sum spark plugs
That's ok Zach, at least you were there.
Matt and Zach, sorry you didn't get to try out the ROK. You'll have to take a raincheck.

For the time I was there I had a great time. Big Thanks to Nick and all the sponsors.
It's pretty rare that a jeep i6 needs an oil pump. Put the sender in it first and use quality oil & filters. Ive seen more than 1 engine fail due to cheap (and fram) oil filters.

I lost an engine to a fram filter myself. Kept loosing oil pressure intermittently and then changed the filter. Oil pressure came up and never dropped again. The damage was already done to the engine though. On a jeep i6


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Cleveland Ohio
Great time in Daytona again! I really missed it last year. Saw and partied with alot of ol school friends and met alot of new people. Sorry to all the names I forgot! Thanks to Nick for throwin a killer ride every year! Thanks to everyone who hung out, partied with me, helped move skis, etc etc....hope to get to the vid soon.
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