The Tupelo Race - Few Words

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Just wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone that was there and came out. Thanks to all my friends from the past and all the new ones I met this weekend on and off the course. It was real cool that I was so supported by all my friends.

I can thank you guys enough for pushing me into giving both freestyle and racing a try. I had so much fun and already can tell a diffrence in my attitude towards practicing.

Again...I cant get over how you guys helped, pushed, and made me feal good after each event. Thanks so much

I took 4/4 in AM Freestyle. I was against some of the coolest and best AM riders in our region. Randy, Jeff, and Ratti all held it down great and performed great!

In Beginner open I took 2nd out of 3 or 4. I was excited about this. I just learned to ride a SXR that day and it was my first time around bouys. So was def pumped about that. I plan on hitting atleast two more beginner races before quitting. Thanks to my drunken friend who let me ride his rock
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:woot: :arms: :biggthumpup: :Banane01:

Way to go Jeese ! BRAP !


The Nascency Project
Marietta, GA
We suck--we missed it!!!:frown: Scheduling around our house selling and trying to get moved made it impossible for us to make it to Tupelo.

I am so proud of you!!! Now when are you gonna do it again so we can get it on film :biggrin: ????

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Thanks guys

I was writing this in a hurry befor eleaving and forgot one of the most important parts of this race.

BIGGEST thanks to my sponsors. Chic and Jerry came threw for me this weekend and was my whole backing for the event and I cannot thank everyone enough.



Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
It was fun watching you out there Jesse, you did great in freestyle......................

But a deals a deal..................... no more wings!!!! :cool2:

J/k You showed some good style racing also :Banane01: :woot:
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