their throttle control is amazing it is so dry and they just get constant traction.
those guys at that level are amazing. :headbang:
I can ride pretty hard, and quite fast with excellent corner speed, but whoops are my huge down fall.
Those guys totally kill it for sure.
On most tracks it is the whoops that seperate the men from the boys.... Whoops take up so much energy. I can ride pretty hard, and quite fast with excellent corner speed, but whoops are my huge down fall. Lots of training to be able to whack iit wide open and just hang on..... that is where the guys who are trainning hard really shine.
you ride 50's or 110's right? or are you talking about big bikes?
And Moonster is right, blazing over the tops of the whoops is the only way to go.... and its about a bizillion times faster too.
Just reffering to his post arse hole. :biggrin:
whoops have more to do with technique and confidence rather than strength, but strength helps everything...
everytime i hit the whoops on our sx track, i come out with a flat tire. we've been having to bump up to like 15psi on the sx track for this reason.
whoops are fun as hell... when you actually get to skim across them... otherwise its all death, mayhem, destruction, and people helping you up off the floor. :censored:
what is popping your tubes