Super Jet Tips on splitting cases?


Buy a Superjet
Have the cylinder off getting bored/ported and figure I might as well split the cases and make sure all is good. (Goal is to ride more then wrench this summer!)

Question is if I need any special tools or anything to take apart the cases and put them back together? Also what should I look for once they are apart?


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
Splitting them is easy. No special tools except for sockets and a screwdriver. There's places where there's like a tab overhanging that you can pry up to split the cases. Be very gentle tho. Make sense? Maybe someone else will chime in and tell me if I'm wrong.

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Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Rubber mallet and a flat blade screw driver. Replace your seals too. Good luck getting the coupler off if you didn't do it before you removed the cylinders. It's a pain in the ass with the cylinders off.


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
Once it's split just lift it out. Mine came out easy. Make sure they spin easily and dont make loud noises.

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Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
check the groove your woodruff key sits in, sometimes they'll start to round and you can catch it in the early stages. its rare, but check it
Quick tip for anybody who pulls their cylinder and forgets the remove the coupler beforehand (like if you are replacing crank seals). Take 2 small pieces of 2x4 and put them on either side of the rear rod, across the case top surface. Put a 1/2" socket extension wrapped with a shop rag through the rod end, rotate crank CCW until the extension hits the wood. Heat the coupler, firm whack with a deadblow and pry bar, and you're back in business!

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