Too much oil in my mix

What a dumb ass I am! dam it... Last time I used my ski (2000 RN superjet) a few months ago I filled a five gallon gas can too. ...I don't recall for sure if I ever added oil to my gas can. Recently I went to "winterize" my ski - I planned to fill my skis gas tank for the winter with stabilized and mixed fuel, but I don't remember if I added oil to the can since it was a couple months ago. SO I added oil to it for sure now, but its possibly twice the amount of oil in there than should be. I have not put it in my tank yet because I just don't know for sure ...So should i just dump the mix and start over so I know for sure? Is it a major problem if it is a "double" mix? ...Darn it ...what a waste! It sucks - also maybe a stupid question, but how do you dispose of gas if you are not going to use it?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
What oil and at what ratio do you normally run?

I used to run the Seadoo mineral oil and started mixing in a touch of Amsoil or Bombardier synthetic just for some color to prevent this from happening.


someone turf my rails
Regardless of how much oil is in it, I would never run my ski on fuel that has been sitting all winter. Stabil is great for helping reduce carb issues the following year, but I always drain my tank and add fresh fuel in the spring before first ride.


Trim down for what!?!?!?
E-Town, Ok
Bk is right, always oil first!
And I know this is bad.. and will prolly get tons of crap.. but I just dig a little hole in the field out back and dump away..

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I have the habit now of adding oil to my mix jugs the second they become empty.

I also keep a complete different style of fuel container that holds unmixed gas.

It doesn't really matter what system you have, as long as you have a system.


I agree with the "no old gas" idea.
However, I don't mix immediately. Other than color, my system is simple. Spout is in the ready-to-use position for mixed cans of fuel. Spout points up on unmixed cans. Nothing worse than having to run for fuel when the waves are good.
Anything left over as BruceSki, mixed or not, goes in the car, truck, mower, etc...
BTW: The mower seems to really like pre-mix.
Thanks for all the replies.... I have always put oil in the gas can first but in this case we were camping off our boat and I ran to the marina with the boat to fill the can and I planned on putting oil in when I returned to camp. ...I never ran the ski enough to need more gas while camping and therefore ( I think ) I never added the oil. There was A LOT of gear to deal with for camping with family. I came home and dealt with the unpack and month(s) later realized I never dealt with my toy. I run amsoil dominator which turns the gas reddish and looking into a red gas can its hard to say if there was oil... I've since added oil and stabil and filled the ski. ...I have limited time and want to put limited effort into working on/dealing with the ski and rarely even get to ride. I know its a bad way to deal with it but I'll run the ski with the older gas next year just as I did this past year... I deal with problems as they come up - That's why I bought a stock SUPERJET - because everyone on here and everywhere else says they are most reliable bomber ski. Thanks ...we'll see what happens. I mostly wanted to know if it will cause problems running double oil (IF thats what happens- it might be the right amount right now anyway :) ) Thanks again.
Pour it in a clear glass jar and you will almost always be able to see the color diffrence from just gas to premix. Also if you use a colorless oil pour a little on your garage floor the gas will evaporate and if it leaves an oily residue where you spilled its premix. That being said if in doubt dump it out. Run it in somthing else that does not require premix. Or doubble up as you have and just keep an extra set of plugs on hand.
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