I sometimes have some pretty bad ideas and this very well might be one of them.?.
I'm not hyped on the typical idea of installing a drain plug for the tray externally. No real good reason other than worrying about it getting bumped or broken off. And I don't think the hull is very thick and robust in the area it would be installed.
I re-foamed My tray 4-5 seasons ago. At the same time I thought I did a pretty good job at sealing up all the through hull fittings and seams to the engine bay.
I'm now in the process of doing a thorough maintenance and going through everything. In the process I got her in a face down ass up position and to my shock, she started squirting out of some seams. First time for everything I guess...
She was leaking into the engine bay from the seams around the darker colored (black) tray area. I will seal that up, but not sure that's where the water is entering the tray.
Anyways long story for my mostly pointless question.
I'm thinking about putting a standard drain on the bulkhead that would drain into the engine bay. This would allow me to just simply drain the tray into the engine bay periodically (couple times a season). I figure I then wouldn't have a plug sticking out of the back of the boat and if I were to somehow lose the plug while in use I wouldn't fill the tray with water. Another bonus would be that I wouldn't need to worry about my states 'drain plugs out when trailering law'.
Fire away with your thoughts.
I'm not hyped on the typical idea of installing a drain plug for the tray externally. No real good reason other than worrying about it getting bumped or broken off. And I don't think the hull is very thick and robust in the area it would be installed.
I re-foamed My tray 4-5 seasons ago. At the same time I thought I did a pretty good job at sealing up all the through hull fittings and seams to the engine bay.
I'm now in the process of doing a thorough maintenance and going through everything. In the process I got her in a face down ass up position and to my shock, she started squirting out of some seams. First time for everything I guess...
She was leaking into the engine bay from the seams around the darker colored (black) tray area. I will seal that up, but not sure that's where the water is entering the tray.
Anyways long story for my mostly pointless question.
I'm thinking about putting a standard drain on the bulkhead that would drain into the engine bay. This would allow me to just simply drain the tray into the engine bay periodically (couple times a season). I figure I then wouldn't have a plug sticking out of the back of the boat and if I were to somehow lose the plug while in use I wouldn't fill the tray with water. Another bonus would be that I wouldn't need to worry about my states 'drain plugs out when trailering law'.
Fire away with your thoughts.

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