SXR Trim Cable Install Help Needed


Captain of this ship
I am trying to install a drop nozzle on my SXR and have Skat Track drop nozzle with a Skat Track cable and UMI lever.

It seems like neither ends of the cable are designed for this application. Help? Why does the handle side not have treads and how am I supposed to hook to the nozzle with just washers.


mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
Well the lever doesn't have the fitting to hold the cable which Js the first problem. I use the odessey lever on my xscream trim. The end down by the nozzle I didn't get a good look but seems like maybe just a small piece to hook up the cable. Post up pictures of the cable end on the pump side
seams to me you are missing the ends for your cables ,their should be a adjuster on top that threads in the lever ,you can use ones from dirt bike clutch lever !and the bottom looks like you need one that fits on end of a steering cable ! just guessing!

You need this brass fitting and lock washer

I got mine from JM went they wiggled out and fell off. He should have some for you

Good luck

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Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
agreed looks like solas. Oddessy lever should work for it, might have to drill out lever where the cable ball goes if its a skat cable. For bottom, remove that pulley and install a heim joint.


It's hard to speak without a tongue.
lake hogan
What kind of cable is it man? We need some info, if it's threaded on the cable end you'd need a heim joint and a odyssey lever off eBay will be cheaper than a brass cable adjuster.
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