Tupelo Freestyle Results


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Round 3 Saturday Results
AM Freestyle
1-Jimmy 'The Jawbreaker' Sweeney
2-Gil 'Gilgoneround' Williams
3-Harrison 'Big Kahuna' Lanford
4-Jarrod 'Kawaboy101' Addison
PRO Freestyle
1-Jason 'The Destroyer' Stoyer
2-Michael 'The Magician' Ratti

Sweeney perfomed a flawless run went super smooth and tons of combos.
Harrison got F'ed!!! He was goin huge w/lots of inversion and then the wake skate crew decided to set up their ramp in the middle of Harrison's run and totally F him up. (and his idle screw would not allow for hood tricks)LOL-NEVER forget the simple things. Jarrod loked like a freegin verteran out there-smooth and consistant!!!

Round 4 Sunday Results
AM Freestyle
1-Harrison 'Big Kahuna' Lanford
2-Jarrod 'Kawaboy101' Addison
3-Gil 'Gilgoneround' Williams
4-Jimmy NOSHOW Sweeney-J/K(he had to get back home Sat night
PRO Freestyle
1-Jason 'The Destroyer' Stoyer
2-Michael 'Break Stuff In Half' Ratti

Harrison had a perfect run for all 3 minutes. Jarrod acted like a freegin veteran PRO for his 3 minutes, and Gil, well, sucked azz for 3 minutes.LOL
Stoyer went 1st and was pullin out all the stops. Ratti went 2nd and was workin Stoyer REAL HARD and then he broke is X Metal pole clean in 2 !!!!
Harrison loaned him his ski to finish up on.

The turn out for AM competitors was a HUGE dis-appointment, but, as always, it was an awesome weekend for those of us that did make it!!!!
I love this sport and all the people involved.

I want to thank Brian Virgen from Thrust Innovations, Steve from Watercraft Factory, Paul Lehr from LPW, and Ronny Mac from Ronny Mac
for REALLY Steppin up and helpin us try to grow the sport. Jarrod made out like a bandit because he was the ONLY 1st time competitor that actually showed up and therefore took home all the goods!!! The kid REALLY earned it this weekend!!!


Region 7 AM Freestyle
Was a freegin awsome weekend!Competing is un-describle!Over all everyone did awsome and i think we all had a blast!


McDonough, GA
Just spoke with Ronny and he is burried in pics still from Myrtle Beach! Dont worry though, he will have them up soon!

What a great event, Tupelo just keeps getting better and better! Great crowd turnout, great racing action, and of course awesome freestyle competition.

Mad props to everyone who competed, Harrison, Gil, Jimmy, and Jared ripping it up hard on his squarenose competing for the first time ever!

See everyone again soon! :D
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