Surfriding Versa plugs with ski upside down???

With Versa style drain plugs installed and the ski ends up upside down, Does the ski take on water faster and sink? Just seeing if anyone has run into this, because it looks like the Versa plug would act as a check valve and let air out when upside down and allow water into the hood faster. Thanks, John

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
In theory it should but this has not been my experience, (with the versiplug-R anyways). My ski has been upside down many times with only minimal water intrusion. Perhaps the most important detail is how well your ski is sealed in the first place? My hood seal is perfect and even though I still have the hood venting and dual breathers in the pole, I still don't take on much water when upside down.

I think it's a risk regardless of what you use, be it a scupper or versiplug and certain situations will make the result worse. I like the fact that the versiplugs are smaller and don't breath as much as a 2" scupper would so even if it is allowing air to escape, it's doing it at a much lesser rate.
Yea you guys are right, I did'nt think it all the way through. Was playing with the versa plug and noticed that the ball would roll back and than I was thinking about the amount of air it would let out if upside down . I really am a big believer in Not Letting Go, but there are times you get separted. At Wavedaze last year I only and the stock drain plugs in my boat and it was holding some water and I got nailed and lost the boat and it was upside down and Filled with water. So now I will put the plugs in and I shouldn't have as much water inside and I won't lose the boat and I won't have that PROBLEM!!!:)
Thanks for the replies, John
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