Victim of Turf


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Need to practice turfing before I do my actual stand-up.
look, a hapless WR500!
victim of my first turf attempt!



Matakana Menace
Those WR500's are the weirdest thing to ride... You have to really lean to get them to turn...:bigeyes:

You just wanted to practice drinking beer while turfing, eh!



Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Actually the 500 can be fun because it is so light. i can get it sideways at full speed and if you stab the nose, it spins around.
Getting ready to turf the 750. The SN gets footholds next winter . . .


way fast whitey
^ you stole the words from my mouth.. I attempted my first try last nite, yeah u can say I suck... back to ground zero LOL theres 2hrs Ill never get back

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
here is the biggest tip....... when your brush the glue on both the turf and the hull....... when you think it is ready to put the turf down......... stop, walk away for 10 minutes, go drink a beer or something, Too many times people get ansy, I know I use too!!!!!!!!! It was not until I got my SJ that I learned to just take my time. Looks good so far!!!!!!!! Now get at the SJ!
i messed up on my rn where there is like a hump on the top of the side of the tray on one side its not stuck down but ill ride till it falls off and do it agqain.


Grand Rapids, MI
another tip..make sure you have PLENTY OF VENTALATION!!! i can not stress this enough i will personally only work with weldwood contact cement outside from now on....bout 2 1/2 years ago i was using this stuff to help adhere a new sub floor in my bathroom...thought the open windows would be enough...WRONG!! needless to say i got super i went and laid down and took a nap...little did i know that from the inhalation of the fumes...i had just caused permanent nerve damage and paralized half my face..........i have regained some use..but my right eye sags sometimes and it waters at random whenever it wants to..i have limited movement of that side of my face and have no feeling from my cheek bone up...sorry for the novel just would hate to see the same thing happen to someone else when its easily avoidable


Johnstown, NY
wow! I would have never thought it could cause that much damage to a person. Im sorry for what happened, I wonder if there are special masks/filters for doing these types of projects?


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
gotta use good PPE!
that is personal protective equipment
preserve the lungs and the brain cells :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:



LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
another tip..make sure you have PLENTY OF VENTALATION!!! i can not stress this enough i will personally only work with weldwood contact cement outside from now on....bout 2 1/2 years ago i was using this stuff to help adhere a new sub floor in my bathroom...thought the open windows would be enough...WRONG!! needless to say i got super i went and laid down and took a nap...little did i know that from the inhalation of the fumes...i had just caused permanent nerve damage and paralized half my face..........i have regained some use..but my right eye sags sometimes and it waters at random whenever it wants to..i have limited movement of that side of my face and have no feeling from my cheek bone up...sorry for the novel just would hate to see the same thing happen to someone else when its easily avoidable

O ********..I never knew it would do that. The 8hrs i spent in a closed garage turfing my ski couldnt of been to good.:frown:


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
another tip..make sure you have PLENTY OF VENTALATION!!! i can not stress this enough i will personally only work with weldwood contact cement outside from now on....bout 2 1/2 years ago i was using this stuff to help adhere a new sub floor in my bathroom...thought the open windows would be enough...WRONG!! needless to say i got super i went and laid down and took a nap...little did i know that from the inhalation of the fumes...i had just caused permanent nerve damage and paralized half my face..........i have regained some use..but my right eye sags sometimes and it waters at random whenever it wants to..i have limited movement of that side of my face and have no feeling from my cheek bone up...sorry for the novel just would hate to see the same thing happen to someone else when its easily avoidable

dang dude sorry. I just did my whole ski with no windows open. :skull2: :skull2: :skull2:
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Well he was doing a whole floor that is a lot of glue and a lot of fumes.Still I am sorry that happened to you,also remember to turn off all pilot lights and sources of ignition,the fumes are quite explosive and readily combustible.


gotta use good PPE!
that is personal protective equipment
preserve the lungs and the brain cells :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:


Dr. Jeykl(sp) and his tool of destruction

Man that would suck to get that screwed up by contact cement. I guess i should be more careful around the fumes.
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