300/440/550 vin plates

is there anywhere i can purchase new vin plates and a title?

i bought a ski that the vins and title were used on another ski and wanted to be able to register this one. i got a bill of sale but thats it.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
go to the DMV and apply for a lost title. That the only legal way short of not having the original title. But be ready to jump through hoops.

Also, please do not post "Looking for a VIN Plate and Title".
Hey there's some yahoo on the other site that has something that might interest you then you both can call the cop's on yourselves :doh: One on each coast must be in the water
hahaha that made my day

yeah there not much you can do with a lost vin short of committing a felony

supposedly theres a way through the chp but im sure its way more of a hassle than its worth

and usually if its just a hull its pretty crappy - not many people sell nice looking un titles/vin'd hulls
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