Wahoo just ordered a b pipe!

I called up factory pipe, everytime I call them I get the same answer, think its more of a sales pitch then anything. I ask "do you have any b pipes in stock" she says "yes we have one left better order it" I say "thanks gotta check the account", last week false3 calls them up they say its the last one here ya go then I call them today and ask and they say "yes its the last one" so I went ahead and ordered it. I ordered the limited one for a 61x motor, if I ever find a head and get my cyclinders ported will scroung around and find a mod chamber for it.

Anyone know the difference in the pipes for the one that 705$ and the one that 675$ is it just because the 61x cylinders and the 62t cylinders?

I thought the bolt pattern was the same..
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Oh yeah, I need to drive 600 miles to pick it up :) they have to deliver to where my cc is registered to... gotta go next week anyway :) porting is next on the list and once thats complete I need a new body for it :)

also started defoaming it last night, couldnt ride for a month so gonna tear into it and install a new prop
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it doesnt come with more parts? fals sent me a pic of his and it had all kinds of goodies :) did yours come with the couplings, jets, gasket, cooling hoses, and clamps?
I called up factory pipe, everytime I call them I get the same answer, think its more of a sales pitch then anything. I ask "do you have any b pipes in stock" she says "yes we have one left better order it" I say "thanks gotta check the account", last week false3 calls them up they say its the last one here ya go then I call them today and ask and they say "yes its the last one" so I went ahead and ordered it. I ordered the limited one for a 61x motor, if I ever find a head and get my cyclinders ported will scroung around and find a mod chamer for it.

Anyone know the difference in the pipes for the one that 705$ and the one that 675$ is it just because the 61x cylinders and the 62t cylinders?

I thought the bolt pattern was the same..

The diameter of the manifold to headpipe is smaller pre 96.You can use the older style ,just needs to be bored out a little..I called them today and they can sell the verylast limited pipe to me also :)
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looks great!

ive never had one that shiny......rumor has it, those little screws actually move as well!!!!!!


but the bottom one is a PITA to get to .... i tried to adjust it with the head pipe on .... IMPOSSIABLE !!!!!!!!! so i think while im tuning it im gonna have to pull the head pipe every time :crying:

anyone have any tips ow to adjust the bottom one ????? i really dont want to pull the head pipe every time
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