- Location
- Wilmington NC
IM sure its been done before prolly with little success, but what about the wankel rotary engine. Yes its a 4 stroke and they hate water but so do 2 strokes kawi and yamaha just fitted an air box to resist it. Water gunna happen no matter what. What if somebody designed a wankel that was premix say 750 or 800 cc this would eliminate an oil sump. IF designed to do so a wankel can run unlimited rpm and has a wayyy better hp and torque ratios. Im only bringing this up because as we all know with all the tree huggers 2 strokes are short for this world. Plus a wankel only has 3 moving parts. Wankels run HOT but thats in a car application cars dont have the luxury of pulling 70 degree or less water in them constantly. They can be smaller and made lighter and they can also be turbo or super charged. Im sure seedoo tried it but im also sure they tried to do it as cheep as possible with out throwing much r+d into the idea. Does anybody have imput. Have any of you tried it. What would you do with an engine that could run unlimited rpm.