Watch "Ben Fredenburg Barrel Roll Attempt" on YouTube

Ben Fredenburg Barrel Roll Attempt:

Looking for some feed back on my barrel roll attempt. I can only get 3/4 of the way.

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Limerick, PA
I don't barrel roll so my advice for what its worth to you.
In the video it looks like you went thru the wave not up it. Try and blip that throttle jump and get some more air... then your roll might come around on its own.

Keep at it, good luck!


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
^^^^Agreed. Your approach sucked. Your rotation looked good but you barely got any height. Since i started working on them I like to do a prehop before the wave and make sure I get into the trough of a wave where I can pin it and get max height. Look at the height I have compared to you:
If I had the rotation you had I would have made it all the way around. Try a pre hop IMO
I also get a lot of speed lol
Thanks guys. Yeah, it appears I'm cutting through it. Roseand, how fast are you going. Looks like your hauling ass into the wake. Plus, you're hitting the opposite side but rotating the same direction as me. Is that more effective for rotation?

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The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
I'm probably going 20 mph and then right before I let off, unhook the pump and nail it. I just like hitting that angle honestly. Always hit it at an angle like that for nose stabs too. No idea if it's more effective for me. All I know is that when you're going the speed I am, I like to make sure I'm gonna hit the wave just right to get a good rotation.... Because hitting the wave wrong and hitting the water upside down super fast doesn't feel good...


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The old school rule of thumb, you gotta hear 3 clicks or bumps
first pole put on hood
second steering hitting the steering stop (full throw)
third full gas
And the pre hop will deff help you get some more speed on the rotation
Nice try though!
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