FX-1 Water box alternatives


Arlington TX
I'm borrowing a buddies metal SJ waterbox but need to give it back.

I've been on eBay looking at different ones and it looks like I might be able to use one its off a Seadoo 650.

I've sent a e-mail asking for diminsions etc, but wanted to ask ya'll what you thought.

Has anyone used another brand waterbox in their ski?


Lodi Cali
I'd have to measure the inlet and exit to be sure. Or pm hardcore on here, pretty sure he's ran 550 waterboxes in his fx1.

The factory pipe box is setup almost identical to a stock fx waterbox
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Lodi Cali
That's a great idea, piss everyone off within a mile or so of where he's riding. Like we need more negative attention then strait piping a ski. Not to mention the loss of power and risk of water intrusion.


Arlington TX
Ok, heres another one I was looking at, this is the first guy to respond with dims,
Inlet and outlet are 3", its 16" long and 10" around (circumfrence). The inlet size sucks, but the size and shape might be ok.


Yeah, I couldn't imaging running no box. I put a ProTec Head on with 35cc (I think) domes on, supposed to bump to 185psi. I started it last night for the first time. It got significantly more snappy even with the OEM box. I guess I need to keep my eye out for a stock one unless the 550 box motoman mentioned works.
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