Blaster Waterbox

Do the different brands of waterboxes add anything different to the performance or do they just sound different and what does everyone recommend? I don't wanna do the rear waterbox just looking for an aftermarket aluminum one!!
I have not heard of waterboxes adding any noticeable performance advantages. It's mostly a sound upgrade. My old GP800 with a TDR waterbox was obnoxiously loud. It got me several warnings from liquid po po. I would not recommend a loud waterbox. They attract too much attention.


Yo hablo ingles
They may not add any performance, but a very restrictive box can rob performance. Agreed on the loud box though, you dont want to draw any more attention, plus its annoying to ride.
My .02 after much research & not as much testing:
First paragraph of exhaust systems- they have tested, tuned and built more than I ever will, gonna take his word for it. I continue to run stockers & have a backup or 2 if one blows - no noise issues to worry about.
Good luck either way
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