Wavedaze Questions

A buddy and me are coming down Friday from New Jersey. Planning on bringing a trailer. Anything to worry about? Had 4 dirt bikes stolen on Alanta and I'm not trying have something like that happen again. Looking to get hotel or bring bigger trailer and sleep in it. Also can you run quads on the beach or any reason to bring one? Our first time to this event. Thanks
their should be at least 2/3 quads their for transport from boardwalk to water ,parking is a pia with a trailer need to check with hotel for avalibility but their is trailer parking ,
as far as theft dan has security while skis stay on the beach or you can roll them up to around pool area were hotel is !
did you ever get the bikes ?
Ya don't sweat it, if you get there early enough you can probably park trailer and truck blocking trailer in. Leave it on beach with security!
Okay cool I'm just gunna bring a van then. Gunna call for hotel today. Stoked to ride! And no i never got my bikes or trailer back from ATL. Got the van back because the hoodlums ran out of gas 15 min down the road. But the van was totally gutted when we got to it so pretty much lost everything.
Okay cool I'm just gunna bring a van then. Gunna call for hotel today. Stoked to ride! And no i never got my bikes or trailer back from ATL. Got the van back because the hoodlums ran out of gas 15 min down the road. But the van was totally gutted when we got to it so pretty much lost everything.
wow that sucks man
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