Waveraider problem, please help!


Ok, took the waveraider out (701) and ran just fine until i got to the beach and then took off for a bit of fun. I get out to the middle of the river and it stops dead... it turns over but wont start, so i unplug and re-plug the lanyard back in and it starts right up, i take off slowly and it dies again, i repeat the lanyard thing and nail it when it starts and make it back to the beach and try and troubleshoot, battery cables tight, no exposed wiring in the hood...where esle can i look?
thanks for any help


Non-flammable?Dare me?
I've had the same problem with everything from my roundnose to a 'jammer.The tether/kill switch has 2 sets of contacts-one grounds the engine so it doesn't run,and the other completes the circuit for the starter.The switches are cleanable/repairable,and I have even used springs from bic lighters to repair them.Hope this helps!


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Sounds like a faulty stop switch. If you wanna nail it quickly, then set the idle screw really low, and unplug the black/white wires under the hood. Those are your stop switch wires. You still need the lanyard to start it, but after started, pulling the lanyard or hitting stop wont stop it, thats why you set the idle down low. I've been running my ski like this for a while now.

Like mentioned the switches are cleanable, but I've cleaned my 3 times and it broke again before I gave up and ran low idle instead. I did however end up replacing the spring in the lanyard post that keeps the contacts touching, because if that dies, it wont start, even with the black/white unplugged. Very unlikely though.

Let us know.
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