WB1 Footstraps install question.

Going to be installing a set of straps on my WB1 i know there are a bunch of threads regarding this top as ive read all the ones i have found using the search. But i still dont have a 100% answer i am looking for, and they are all a few years back so maybe there are other methods now. So with that said maybe someone who has done this can give me there insight.

I read that people epoxy acorn nuts that are threaded inside to the hull, ( seems like the easiest option to use but how well does it hold? Has anyone ripped them out using this method? If not whats the best epoxy for the job and do you sand the gel coat down in the area you are going to epoxy them or do it on top of the gel coat?)

Option 2 buy the same threaded inserts blowsion sells from a hardware store and thread them in and epoxy the area to insure no leakage, this option seems like it would rip out to me. I am 200lbs and am hard on my stuff, but maybe it works? Has anyone ripped this setup out? Or have you had good luck with it?

Third option i was thinking about buying a 1/4'' aluminum plate cutting it to size drilling and tapping it going threw the battery box bolting it all on then using lock nuts to insure it wont come out. And then just epoxy the area i have drilled so no water leaks in. This way seems the most legit to me and would insure it wont rip out. But it would be quiet a bit of work to do and so this is why i am asking you guys who have done it to give me your feedback on what you think would be most beneficial. I dont mind doing the work if this would be my best option as i would hate for a strap to rip out then have to do double the work all over again.

Thanks in Advance!


The call me Mew Mew
Option 3 with the backing plate. Thats how mine are and have had no issues.

I had to hammer the plate betweem the hull and foam but its not going any where. Lol
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