whew......you have been one busy man. Thanks for your hard work!
You have no idea.
We woke up to water in the basement thanks to like 6" of rain, I had to go to work to check on my server room since our plant flooded also (it's ok, my office is a different story), and in the process had to get ready for a dual birthday party for our 1 and 5 year olds. Oh, had to replace the bunks on my trailer yesterday, had to replace some stickers on my ski, had to clean the house, had to wah wah wah.
We're on the new dedicated server.
I still have a ton to redo, but we'll get there. Freestylefest tomorrow though!
we really need to set up a pay pal beer account for darren, you are a legand .the amount off work you do to keep us bums happy getting our regular fix
I don't know why this site feels so good but it does :biggthumpup:
I could not get here using x-h2o....I had to use x-h20. Is this normal?
Also I dont see any of the icons (or whatever they ar called) Just a bunch of little red x's