what carbs for my setup?

61X works best in my opinion with a single carb, such as a 46mm or 48mm,plus tuning it is much more simple and easy. Duals will work as well but you will need a manifold to accept the dual carbs for a 61x a little bit harder to find but are still around. I am running the same set up you listed in one of my Blasters with a 46mm SBN and it has plenty of rip. I believe a 48mm would be a bit much for a limited set up, which is basically what we have with these mods. Plus I believe all the single carbed 61x were 44mm which is still a good desireable carb. It really depends on your preference in the end though.
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Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Single AM 46 mikuni
Duel AM 44 mikuni

Most people run one or the other,, and can better help you tune if you run into problems. When you get into the high $$ setups' not many have them and cant give you as much guidance. My .02


This Is The Way
Staff member
I run a Riva Powerbomb 48 on my stock 61x701 with a B pipe, head and TL ignition and it is AWESOME! (as awesome as a non-ported 701 can be) a 44/46 counterbored to a 48 would also be a nice carb on the cheap...talk to the Watercraft factory about that one. Otherwise Keith head is/was boring some out to ~52mm that supposably work well.

For the same money as a nice carb I would look into cylinder porting first...roughly the same cost with much more benefit.
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