What do you do when waves are flat?

nice roll there bronson.

to answer your question.. the surf is ALWAYS up at the mx track. :smile:

it was a sizzler this weekend though. sweating bullets out there.

Yea its too hot to hang at the track this time of year..... so we chilled at the lake house :bananalama:.... Thanks Mike, that was a blast! :Banane19:

Thanks Saki..... wish I could see the Vid at work. :rocketwhore:
I tried some rolls anyway in the ankle slapper surf and I paid for it. My pump unhooked in the chop just before a wave so instead of aborting, I hit it anyway and did a pretty high half roll. I was wearing my full face MX helmet and it literally saved me a trip to the hospital. There's a big gouge in my chinpad where the face piece of the helmet hit and I have a bruise on my forehead from the helmet. I'm pretty sure I got my head pinned to the bottom by the ski for a split second. I shoulda stuck with surf riding instead.


Carajo,gringos apestosos
I had a front row seat. Bronson was going off and goin high.

I even gave it a few trys myself, lots of fun. Thanks Mike.
Bronson, Want me to post any more footage or do ya want me to just get you the cd/dvd? You have some much bigger shots in there.

I went riding yesterday and didn't even touch the video, I'll get it in the next couple days.
There is some good shots of Felix on it also.
Bronson, Want me to post any more footage or do ya want me to just get you the cd/dvd? You have some much bigger shots in there.

I went riding yesterday and didn't even touch the video, I'll get it in the next couple days.
There is some good shots of Felix on it also.

:woot: Its up to you Mike, If you want to play with it, feel free! Throw those shots of Felix in there as well.... he has realy stepped his game up! If you dont feel like fuggin with it, that is cool too... whatevers clever.

That role looked pretty good size wize.... but nothing on that last one of the day :biggrin:
:woot: Its up to you Mike, If you want to play with it, feel free!
In that case I'll be putting some big :splatt: just for the viewers pleasure.:Eyecrazy: No disrespect at all. Bronson was going huge, the wave just wasn't peaking up right.

Throw those shots of Felix in there as well.... he has realy stepped his game up!

Will fo sho! Felix was steping hiting it.

We need to work on the ballast/speed a bit better to get the lipping wave at a slower speed. Sucked I didn't get to jump also but maybe if we started earilier, the "captains" might have been able to drive. Just imagine 2 6,000 pound boats weaving in a somewhat straight line 15-20 feet apart that you are supposed to get in front of, turn around and head right between them. Little freaky, right guys? :veryhappy:
Go for it Mike! I took plenty of good splats attempting BF'ers.... still not sure if it was me or the V-wake that was the problem.... I know my body position isnt perfect all the way through rotation.... God it was fun though.... Mike you deffinetly need to hit it up next time with us!

Next time, if using a SKi Natiaque again we need to put about 1000lbs worth of people in the Back..... that deffinetly helped at OWC.
Mike will have to answer

I dont think the Ski Boat had anything.

The other boat was a Super AirNatique... It had something Im sure...

Next time it should be way better with two Super air's loaded down!
you guys have a wedge and fat sacks?

isn't the wedge a malibu thing?

The Wedge is a Malibu thang :sad: It's a fag foil :nana:

I was in a 04 Super Air Nautique with no ballast tanks filled. It holds 900# and I have another 1300# of fat sacks that I use for wake surfing. None filled and still had a waist high wave.

The other boat was my friends 1998 Sport Nautique without ballast either.

I think the biggest difference in our wakes were 1. I had a lot more people (weight) in the boat. (they should have been in his boat) 2. The design of the Super Air's hull is made to put up a larger wake then the Super Sport (more of a ski boat) 3. We started drinking to early :beerchug: and the other driver wasn't on the same page as myself. (couldn't stay in a straight line) 4. We need to practice and experiment with the weight and speed to get the lip throwing forward more. It was still a blast though :brap:
i gotta check that out one day up there.... have tent, will travel. :smile:

I have a Casa now too fellas (nothing on Mikes... mines only 2200sq ft :wiggle:... Im only about 5 miles out of the way (from 95).... its only about a 40 minute drive for me.

Damn.... that day was so fun.... perfect V or not, I enjoyed just chillen... everyone was super cool.
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