I just sold my 1994 KX125 in FL for $1000. It looked like crap, the tires were dry rotted anbd the only thing I can say good about it was that the engine was strong. Someone worked the deal, I just signed the title when $1000 was in my hand. I'd say if a 1999 is any kind of decent, $1500 isn't that bad.
With that said, I will not own another 2 stroke bike or quad, especially a Kawi. I was learning to ride and the power band was so strong, it spun the bike sideways in the air when I jumped in the wrong gear. The landing tore me up.
I find a 4-stroke much more desireable, and when you learn to ride it, it will run just as fast as any 2-stroke (and vice versa).
I had a KX125, Honda XR100, and a Warrior 350. I realize the KX125 was the fastest and hardest to ride, but I absolutly hate the power band on 2-strokes. Hate hate hate. Smooth raw power of a 4-stroker is where it is at. Yup.