What is this for?

They're for scuttling your ski to protect "secret specs" from getting into enemy hands!:skull2:

Seriously though, mine used to pop out on my 650 and I nearly sunk it because of that stupid cap. I mounted mine permanently to keep it from popping out.


So long and thanks for all the fish
It's a 'safety' device in case you have a backfire inside the engine compartment. It's supposed to pop out to save the hood/hull, but in practice they don't work that well. When there is a bad enough problem to cause them to pop out, it normally blows the hood off at the same time.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
when your riding, its to open up and check to see if your motor is still in there.....

Next question, why does a vacuum have a light on it? How many people really vacuum in the dark?
I thought the blow out hole was for when you forgot to tighten a sparkplug and it blew threw the hole you could check the number as it past you heading across the lakeat WOT...... OK maybe not but that is what I used mine for... LOL


Johnstown, NY
All this time I thought it was some "brilliant" idea of getting to the fire exstinguisher out of my SXR...

Getting a little side tracked, but what was kawasaki thinking when they mounted the fire exstinguiser INSIDE the engine compartment? If ya get a raging fire inside whos going to read their hand in there to get at it? They should have mounted it like the old 550's.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
If your PWC is on fire.....just flip it over and it will go out instantly.

All jetski fire ext for the most part are useless and are there for nothing more then to please the law makers. Thats my input on it atleast. Hell, I'm not even running one.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Didn't someone say that they are just suposta be there to "assist" someone else.. so you can take your time getting it out because its not your stuff on fire...


Didn't someone say that they are just suposta be there to "assist" someone else.. so you can take your time getting it out because its not your stuff on fire...

that be the werd.....

w/ that said... I have never run one
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