What not to use UMI trim lever for....Pics added

While riding last night and drinking on the boat, I decided to use my trim lever as an auger for my calf. Dumb hood riding trick gone wrong. the Doc has his pointer finger up to the second knuckle in the hole on the bottom.

2 stitches inside and 6 out. Same friggen calf I tore in half last year :smashfreakB:

These pics were an hour after it happend and on my second towel. I'm on blood thinners, so I bleed like a stuck pig.


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ouch mike! that'll teach you to stop doing hood tricks.

No shiet!!! Stupid stuff like that doesn't happen in alt water. Friggen lakes! I wanted to get wet and had a couple friends going fishing after work. Figured I could get wet and still be able to spray the F out of them. Was really just a freak accident. My calf muscle is killing me today. Thank Watson MFG for Lorcet and percocet :crutches: but flying high :sneaky:

Just tried to upload pics again but NO GO :hitwithrock:

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
The important question is . . . . is that trim lever OK?


Seriously, though, watch that deep puncture CLOSE! If the swelling and pain doesn't start to go down quick, get back to the doctor. Don't mess around, pay attention to it and do something about it. You're ability to heal that area may be somewhat compromised with the previous injury. Hope all goes well.
damn, you beat me to it! Anyhow, get well soon... summer's almost here!
I live in Central Florida. The coldest it's been here was prolly the week after Daytona Freeride.
You'll be riding by next weekend!
Last time I checked, trim was for outboards. Get rid of that crap. All it is, is something else to corrode in the salt.
Heal up quick and sorry to hear about it.
I've been saying that since I had the issue with the trim cable coming off. I won't be doing anything I need it for. I’m seriously considering getting rid of it.

can I put my hood on your ski while you recover?
My Wammer hood is coming apart and I'm getting it over to Nick to fix. I would be more then happy to watch your hood in my garage while you work on your 66E. :tomato:
Think that had anything to do with your little booboo??:nono:
No Chance! I was only on my second beer and already rode for 15-20 mins. I'm 220# and drink 6-8 about everyday so 2 beers is nothing. I was also maybe a bit on the lighter side. :439:
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