Freestyle What reed valves and intake

What reed valves and intake should be the best/your choice and what are the pros and the cons about it

My engine is DASA 885 10 mm
Carbs is 49 full spectrum
Msd tl

Best for that setup would be the Boyesen rad valve. When I got my full specs Ed spent an hour or 2 explaining why that setup is the best. (Scientific flow calculations etc that were way over my head) One of the pros I can give is that there is a plate the carbs mount on, and that is held to the intake manifold with 4 bolts you can actually reach with it in the ski. (The carbs stay bolted to the plate, no linkage to worry about and no stubborn bolts under throttle shafts) It's also sealed with O rings, so when you pull carbs to play with jetting the manifold is super friendly.


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Lake orion, MI
best for that setup would be the boyesen rad valve. When i got my full specs ed spent an hour or 2 explaining why that setup is the best. (scientific flow calculations etc that were way over my head) one of the pros i can give is that there is a plate the carbs mount on, and that is held to the intake manifold with 4 bolts you can actually reach with it in the ski. (the carbs stay bolted to the plate, no linkage to worry about and no stubborn bolts under throttle shafts) it's also sealed with o rings, so when you pull carbs to play with jetting the manifold is super friendly.
I got the boyesen setup complete and also have a set of v-force 3 reeds and cutted some spacers to put in the boyesen manifold so it is usable with the v-force3 also.

I can test them back to back but i was exited if you guys tested them back to back and found some difference in performance.


Jace Forest...BRAP!
I've also heard x-metals manifold allows for propper opening of both reeds. I run a riva manifold but only be wise that's what I could afford at the time
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