What's best? Factory pipe- Dry or Limited?

sxi steve

Life's short, have fun.
Clinton Twp, MI
Pros / cons?

Looking for a Factory pipe. Was focusing on '750 sx/sxi Limited'. What about the '750sxi Dry pipe'. What's the difference? What's preferred?

My ski engine is stock besides new Wiseco pistons, Tau Cati arrestors. Planning on new impellor, pump cone w/ bored nozzle also.



makin' legs
I used both the wet and dry pipes on my 750. Despite the claims that the wet pipe was an earlier hitting pipe I liked the dry pipe better.



makin' legs
Charles, give me some more reasons/info. Did your carbs have to be rejetted with the Dry. FFP says no?


This was actually on a 750sx, but I was running an aftermarket 44mm mikuni carb with it. I thought the hit was more substantial and that it made better power all around. If you do get it, I'd look at finding a Microtouch/Jetworks water injection brain because the MSD brain that FPP includes comes on too late to be of maximum use. I've heard you can set it for three cylinder operation and get the turn on point lowered, but haven't personally tried it. You can always check it with a tach once you have it. Check with JimTMich here. He and I traded pipes and I believe he still has the dry pipe.

dry pipe all the way.it hits as hard as the wet on the bottom and kills it on top.with ecwi,the hit on the bottom is way better than the wet pipe.putting it on 3 cylinders helps.
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