yeah I was wondering about that.
recently, everyone is talking better about the skat swirl, then someone said is was HEAVIER than the concord.
but, does it matter much?
BTW, in my experience a 13/16 solas concord will REALLY load an engine hard, you need more than stock 701 power to really use one.
I compared a 13/16 to my 12/15, and I couldnt get the snap or peak RPMS with the 13/16.
( my engine is weak though)
what???!!! lol how did you feel about putting that thing on your pump weight wise. lol the difference is worth it IMO, Steve put it on his 828 and baaaaaam! lol. I was spinning my other prop with the wetwolf and the stock cone so hopefully it fixes it and is not too much for my motor. if it is....more HP!!!