what's the hole for?

anybody know the purpose of the approx. 1" hole near where the exhaust tube goes through the back of engine compartment on a 01 sj? It has a plain white sticker over it.
If your ski takes in water from the back and you have no drain would the hole not allow the water to enter engine room and then can be bilged out... ??


High on jetskis.
the foam wont really absorb water there, the skin on the foam seals good.
you have MANY other holes in the bulkhead you should be worrying about.
exhaust tube, cooling lines, and steering cable tube all need to be resealed


- SuperJet Thursday -
I would say its too late to seal off at this point, maybe refoam on the off seaso. I know I went crazy with the 5200 around the bulkhead and through fittings after I found all the leaks with low pressure compressed air.
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