Other What's your best tree hugger story?

Here’s mine: My friend(jhucke) and I were riding around by our normal riding spot and decided to take a break by the shore. Before we even realized it some lady came up to us and started yelling at us. She was saying things like “You guys think you are so cool, why don’t you think about the ducks and the turtles.” Another few things she said were “You are messing up the birds” “Those things are dumping gas and oil into the lake, have fun not being able to breathe when your older, think about the turtles!” she said some pretty crazy things and after she walked away we looked over and there she was…. Pointing at the ducks and yelling at us again. :261:

Share your favorite encounter with someone against jet skis!


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Once early in the morning i went out for what i like to call a "dawn patrol" ride and some old codger sitting on a 5 gal. bucket with a fishing pole stands up and acts like he's holding a rifle and putting a bead on me as I went by him. I was actually pretty far away from the shore at the time he did that. Then as I went back by the other way he did it again. It was LOL!
haha im a tree hugging 2 stroke rider. never had anyone get mad either. guess the long hair gets me a free pass :)
my neighbors little daughter (9-10) yelled at me when i was flushing my skis out front in the street. she said "you know that goes into the ocean!".
you should of seen her face when i told her that i ride these waterscooters in the ocean! :eek:mfg:
our spot is polluted with fishermen, from the bank and in boats. last season a skiff with a fat POS, trolled over near me and said i stripped his lure and all his line off his reel. i said, oh well, thats the breaks & $hit happens. i asked what was i supposed to do about it and he said give him $30. i said , get the falk out of here and as he trolled off, i yelled, YOU WERE'NT GOING TO CATCH NOTHING ANYWAY!
Maybe not to many bearded ladies around here though. I do ride a pink and purple ski so maybe there is some confusion.
You must be bald and jealous :)

i'm a california coast native and there is no way you can convince me that BFE kin-tuck-e is not loaded with bearded ladies! and thats no rug on my dome. snow maybe............
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I might be bfe Kentucky native, but I wouldn't trade places with you if you have me a 1,000,000 boot and your ski collection.
its called 17 years of iron worship. just another subject you are unfamiliar with.

I'm familiar enough to know its not for me. I work hard and eat right. Works for me and wife's not complaining.
I have hair to my ass a stash and nice beard. Guess I'm a woman man to you.
Just so you know it's not like I rock out joe dirt style. I'm a well dressed professional engineer with Years of machining, quality control and design engineering under my belt maybe you have bigger biceps. sorry that doesn't impress me, and if you own even one shirt without sleeves you're a f'en tool
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