Other Who can shorten a driveshaft?

its not as easy as it sounds. first off i believe the stock superjets shafts are inertia welded. wich means the splined shaft and the threaded shafts were 2 seperate pieces that were welded together spining and cramming the 2 pieces together. do you know the spline pitch you want. i have a gear hob and cnc lathes to build them but its not going to be cheap. the first one is always expensive and the get cheaper the more you do. why not just buy a stock lenght superjet one? its 100x cheaper.just my 2 pennies


Arlington TX
Yeah, i'm still looking locally to find someone who can beat Jetmaniac, and have failed miserably.

Not that he has bad service, but shipping driveshafts all day gets expensive. I have two shafts that I need cut.

I believe he charges around $100 or so.

If your shaft is longer, which it probably is, you have to cut it down, then cut new splines in it. I've done this by hand with a grinder and its tedious and never as exact as having it done professionally.
The only reason I haven't bit the bullet is b/c I don't need the shafts right this second.
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