who got a pic of the sweet black/white 550 in the wamiltons area?

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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
that was the best looking 550 I ever saw. There was so much custom glass work that it looked like a hydrospace.

anyone have details?
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Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
There are pictures within the depths of the daytona pics thread.
Its Munkie's friend Dave I think.

It has a 650 with total loss 550 pump a big pipe and tiny little gas tank.

The ski is chopped down to 6' 2" from the gas tank area with a super jet pole at - 6 or 8 details are fuzzy. I remember going to his shop before daytona to check it out.

Its the new contender to the Q8 he's just to humble to announce it.
What mark said.

The fuel tank is a oil tank out of something.

Dave took about 7"s out of the mid section of the hull and the hood.... And chopped down the nose, the rails and widened the tray.

I think its gona need some tubbies.... But should be pretty wild to ride.

I hope he has it ready to ride when I go down there this weekend.

The thing is awsome looking.... and 1foot shorter then a stock SJ>:shocked:
anyone see that older 550 flooping around in the waves, probably the loudest ski there, I got a video of him, if you look close you can see him barrel rolling it in the foam : )
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