Who would be interested in racing Sport Limited?

Hey guys I posted this over on PWCToday and started a poll to see if there was any interest in a Sport Limited Class. I figured since there are a ton of guys with blasters on here that are already pretty much setup for a Limited Class you all might be interested in getting into racing.

Now I know most of ya'll are diehard freeriders, but I really think the best way to promote our sport of freeriding is to team up with racing. Both sports are on the rise and I really think they can help each other out.

Any of you all that have blasters that haven't tried running a bouy course really need to get out there and give it a try. It really is a blast especially if all you have near you is flatwater.

The way I see it is if we start a limited class all you guys that already have limited blasters can go try out racing at pretty much no cost to you.

If you're interested go vote in the Poll over on PWCToday.:biggthumpup:


FLY6584 said:
Alright guys first off I have absolutely nothing against the Sport Mod class. In fact I think it has been the best thing for the sport class and has really revived the class. I would love nothing more than to be able to race in that class, but my time/money situation doesn't allow me to yet.

Now I know some of you think that by having 2 classes that will spread the line too thin, but I honestly don't think it will affect it. You have the current group of racers that race Sport Mod and will continue to race Sport Mod because that offers some of the most exciting and competitive racing available.

Now you have guys like me and many others out there who have limited Blasters and HX's that don't race Sport Mod because we know we don't have a chance. If a limited class was started we wouldn't be taking away from the Mod Class because we weren't racing Sport Mod in the first place.

Honestly I think this would be the best thing for the class. It would bring new Sport class racers in and eventually those racers would probably bump up to the Mod class when money/experience allowed them to.

It seems like blasters are becoming more and more popular these days. I see more want to buy blaster ads than ever before. I really think we can get more guys racing Sport if we provide them with a cheap/fun way to get into the Sport class.

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i think it's a good idea but like you said most are die hard freeriders. the only problem i forsee with it is the fact that like you said most are die hard freeriders.... they wanna ride all day and driving 2-3 hours to ride all day is worth it for them, but if they have to drive 5-6 hours and ride for a total of maybe 35-40 minutes an entire weekend is it worth it...... sure there is a chance that the promoter will pick it up.

maybe a beginner sport instead of limited sport (some are running a ported cylinder which yanks you out of limited)..... if you have never raced before it is completely different than riding in the surf or riding with your buddies, if someone doesn't no what they are doing there is a good likely hood someone will get hurt.
heres the reason i no longer race
#1 its to much $ in apba fee
#2 its to much $ in promoter fee per class and double event weekends
# 3 its to much for hotel fee
# 4 gas prices
and if you win all you get is some crappy plastic trophy
i can get the same satifaction just running practice bouys on sundays and not spend all the $ and get to ride more!
in the end its just bragging rights anyway
:haha: So you still haven't ridden that blaster Mike? Come on you're killing me. I should have winterized that thing before I sold it to you.:biggrin:

I got my Superjet from Kevin (Legdrag) the same week that I bought the B1 off you...what would you be riding? The times I have had to ride this winter were dedicated SJ.


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
In Limited, won't the HXs walk all over the B1s

I suppose I am stuck in Open class because I have no plans to find a stock cylinder and get rid of my fuel injection.
Limited was the first sport class they Axed. was Super, limited, stock
then the numbers went down hill so it was Super and stock. numbers droped then it was open. Then nobody showed up so they made it Mod. now there are like 15 racers nation wide that run that class. But i suppose if you get 8 of your buddies together with limiteds the local promoter will arrange a race for you.
Limited was the first sport class they Axed. was Super, limited, stock
then the numbers went down hill so it was Super and stock. numbers droped then it was open. Then nobody showed up so they made it Mod. now there are like 15 racers nation wide that run that class. But i suppose if you get 8 of your buddies together with limiteds the local promoter will arrange a race for you.

i think there is a little more than that


scroll down to sport 40 people ran it in the US this year

and at havasu

9 people ran it
i think there is a little more than that


scroll down to sport 40 people ran it in the US this year

and at havasu

9 people ran it

How many of them ran more then 2 rounds looks like less then 20 but regardless, when limited was offered there were 40 riders at each race and you had to run superstock and limited to win the overall. When was the last time you saw qualifiers for sport class i would say 1999 was the last time i saw it maybe 2000 at the canadian nationals. but if 5 or 8 limited guys show up at a race and ask i am sure the local promoter will offer it. he isn't going to turn away 400 bucks
How many of them ran more then 2 rounds looks like less then 20 but regardless, when limited was offered there were 40 riders at each race and you had to run superstock and limited to win the overall. When was the last time you saw qualifiers for sport class i would say 1999 was the last time i saw it maybe 2000 at the canadian nationals. but if 5 or 8 limited guys show up at a race and ask i am sure the local promoter will offer it. he isn't going to turn away 400 bucks

2002 and 2003 both at regional races.... 22 people for an 18 person race....
Yeah i think in Havasu in 2005 they had qualifiers too but only 2 riders didn't make it to the main. But then again that wasn't limited that was Open class too and alot of non north american racers. Too bad i used to love riding suped up HX's but we had to sell them when the class went belly up.
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