Who's bringing the kids?

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Just wanting to know who is bringing their kids. Doesn't seem like the kids will be able to ride the standups, but I'm sure it will be fun for them anyway. I have a daughter and nephew that will probably be there (9 and 10 years old).


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
ofcourse this was the plan all along to have it be all ski and ski families. bring them or not but my prego needs aome company there to make sure i can get away to enjoy the mayhem

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yeah my kids did not like going to Daytona too much,truefiully there wasn't anything for them to do there,hopefully this will be better for everyone.
Yeah my kids did not like going to Daytona too much,truefiully there wasn't anything for them to do there,hopefully this will be better for everyone.

get the kids together one day and have a sand castle building contest or something like that. we can do something for the kids everyone should have fun

Fro Diesel

creative control
your so smart matt, i wish i could be more like you

but none the less good idea

I thought everyone wanted to be like Mike? What did i miss?:wavey:

kids just need some personal attention, or get them all together and let then do their own thing. Hoenstly aren't we all somewhat kids at heart being so obsessed with stupid jetskis? Do they even make those things anymore?
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