x-2 750 to 780


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
As I understand it...

The big pin is able to produce more power. However, the big pin has a heavier crankshaft so the small pin is better for bottom end. I do not know the truths to these claims. If you research and find anything, please let us know.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
If you want low end definetly go small pin. I have both and the nonported smallpin hits harder down low then my rec ported big pin. (Same carbs) If you are building a topend speed X2, I would go bigpin.


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
avery good to see u posting, i believe he's after bottom end like most of us.

look around it is possible to find the sxr or john@jetskihaven has some 800 big bore motors good to go.


thanks darin...noswad!
Thanks guys for all the info. As far as a pump can I use any 750 pump or does it have to be off a stand up?
You can, but it will take some work to make the change. Really no need, Impros can mod any 750 prop to work in your pump and they have the same basic guts.


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
You can, but it will take some work to make the change. Really no need, Impros can mod any 750 prop to work in your pump and they have the same basic guts.

I talked to the guys at skat trak last year about this for quite a while and they told me that there was really no need to go to a 750 pump but that a 650 pump with a 750 prop will work just as well even with a heavily moded 750. I figure they know what they are talking about and if anything they would be the first to want to sell me a new pump along with a prop.
Your going to love your x-2

Your going to love your x-2 when you put the 750/780 engine in it. I'm running a 771 small pin fully ported cyl and cases with a single sbn44 and a Coffmans pipe with a 16.5 skat prop...man I love my x-2 now. My first ride
i had a poop eating grin on my face the whole time.
Thanks guys for all the help! I now know what i need to get started with my build at least with the motor. Keep an eye out I'm sure I will have more questions in the near future. Thanks once again and look forward to meeting you guys this summer at some of the events!!!!!!! X-2's rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of us who can ride them!!!!hahahahahahahahaha!!
Barrie, ON
Yes for sure the small pin for low end power. The port timing is lower which makes better bottom end. You can bore out a small pin cylinder to 83mm with no problem and that gives you 800cc's
ive run both a small pin 750 and a sxr800 cylinder in my x2 . if you can run the sxr they hit just as hard off the bottom if not slightly harder but midrange and up they are just stupid power compared to a 750. i am going to try my small pin cylinder ported and bored out to 840 in a couple off weeks and see how that proforms
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