X-Metal chinpad options?

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
What are you guys running on your X-metal poles. I was going to run my WCF off of my old pole and I broke the tap off in the hole(the pole doesn't come pre-drilled). so I have to rig it now :rant: . So I was wondering what other options there are out there.
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D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Thats the way mine is mounted but I f-ed it up by breaking the tap off in the hole. I I have to figure out another way to mount it on the sides now.


makin' legs
What are you guys running on your X-metal poles. I was going to run my WCF off of my old pole and I broke the tap off in the hole(the pole doesn't come pre-drilled). so I have to rig it now :rant: . So I was wondering what other options there are out there.

Why don't you just get the tap out and mount it the normal way?:thinkerg:

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I really f-ed the tab up when I tried to get the tap out. I think I have figured out how to fix it now without it looking like a kindergarten class did the work.


I have one of the ones made by UCSSpirit on the wife's ski and it is nice. Also contact jawbreaker or sjetrider here on the boards. Jawbreaker & Toby are making some nice ones that will fit most all available poles including the X-metal system. They have a sweet looking one that can be made with a carbon fiber or texalium underside layer that looks trick. I have on of these on my AC pole with the texalium. Check em out here http://www.x-h2o.com/threads/27522
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