X-metal finger throttle review


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
1: does any one have a picture of the XMetal throttle installed?

2: pros/cons?

3: quality?

I know a lot of you like them I have read through tons of post. this is going to be in the tech faq so I need some specific info.
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thanks man but I need a close up of the throttle for comparison purposes.

from their website:biggthumpup:


RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
RMBC has one, he says he loves it

it looks cool too

yep, my absolute favorite now... and I WAS a die-hard angle-pull UMI-trigger fan. Not anymore, I cant stand the hook at the end of the umi now.

I like how flat the x-metal is, no hook at the end and all edges are rounded.

Plus the flatness of it makes it feel more like a OEM throttle (which alot of people still swear by)
sorry, I dont have a pic right now, could possibly take one tonite


This Is The Way
Staff member
I have yet to ride with mine but it looks great and feels good. The only gripe I had was you can still see the machining marks on the trigger part (as shown in that pic) I would have thought for the price they could have gotten rid of that.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Sorry, I have mine installed just no pic yet. I forgot last night Ill try and get one tonight if somebody doesnt beat me to it.
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