X-metal scupper - PVC Diameter?

What size pvp pipe should be used with the x-metal scupper? 2"?
I'm assuming that the pipe fits inside the flange as it does on the wamiltons scupper? rather than the scupper fitting into the pipe?

edit: I've figured it all out, 1 problem remains... I can't find 2 inch pvc piping for some odd reason :/ Would it be alright to use 2" ABS instead?
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I figured they would as well. Maybe its different in this area, but homedepot, canadian tire, home hardware, and a few dedicated plumbing stores only carry abs :/

The guy at homedepot went so far as to tell me that if i want 2" pipe it will have to be abs, as they don't make that size in pvc.

My search continues i guess :p


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ABS is great stuff, its a lot less brittle then PVC, if ABS is all you can find, use it, its just as strong. When building a potato cannon, I learned you always use ABS over PVC because its stronger and has less a chance to shatter.
Penguin, thanks but i dont think ill have the time :( Its defoamed ready to go, and I'd like to have it in the water by this weekend. If anything else arises that increases my downtime, ill def take you up on that offer.

meatball, I see that everyone uses pvc... if it works for them it will most definately work for me :p I'm just scared of wet foam :( i never want to have to defoam again. Worst case ill use it though.


User Title Unavailable
people use PVC because its often most available. ABS is kinda unspoken of, they both have their abilities and strengths, and for this use, they are nearly the same exact thing.
i think the x metal scupper uses 200 psi 2" pvc with is different from regular 2" pvc which is found a a landscaping supply .homedepot and lwes didnt carry it im. worst case call a plumbing supply house but most dont sell 200 psi pipe. just foam core or schedule 40 or 80
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Thanks again

I have both types now, ABS, and that grey pvc conduit. the PVC is definately heavier, but seems quite a bit stronger. I guess ill go with whichever fits the scupper better.

thanks for all the help guys
i think the x metal scupper uses 200 psi 2" pvc with is different from regular 2" pvc which is found a a landscaping supply .homedepot and lwes didnt carry it im. worst case call a plumbing supply house but most dont sell 200 psi pipe. just foam core or schedule 40 or 80

2" Schedule 80 is the thickest between the 2. Get the dark gray PVC.

Sorry I know this post is old but found it when looking for the Overall ball Scuppers, and Im a Licensed plumber so I though I throw in my 2 cents on the Sch 80.
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